<div id="editor2" class="ed" contenteditable="true"><p><span style="font-size:16px">Unlike the Google maps services available on social media websites, Our google maps services is more professional in order to meet the demands of the construction business, as it enables you to control the Map Mode, Zoom, and add a Pin mark to precisely point at the desired location, its worth mentioning as well that there are several ways to enter the location you want, like just pasting the Google map URL, entering the N & E Coordinates, and share your current location.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:16px">Through our google maps services, you can place the map inside your organization page to make it easy for people to reach it, also in case your organization has several branches, you could add a separate google map per each branch, and finally, in case you were one of the admins of a Project, you can add a google map for that particular project inside its page.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:16px">Regardless the purpose you want to use the google map for, the usage principles is the same, now let's see how to deal with the google map dialog:</span></p></div>